Employee Benefits

Health Insurance Information

College  and Preparatory division faculty members who teach 10 or more hours per week are eligible for health insurance coverage on July 1, or as soon thereafter as it is determined that 10 hours will be taught. Each eligible employee has the opportunity to select from two plans with United Healthcare. The two options include: a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plan, which combines in-network managed care and out-of-network benefits; and a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP), which can include a Health Savings Account (HSA).

As a high deductible plan, the member is responsible for paying for medical expenses in full until deductibles are satisfied, after which there is a cost share between the member and UHC.

By establishing a personal login with myuhc.com (http://member.uhc.com/myuhc) , members can check claims and benefits; request materials or ID cards; search for doctors, specialists and facilities; and more.

For more specific information on the United Healthcare plans, please refer to the following documents: 

Additionally, federal regulations require us to provide medical plan participants with various notices during the year. Below you will find HIPAA, Open Enrollment, and Health Insurance

Marketplace/Exchange Notices:

For convenience, below are some commonly requested forms and information:

Gym Reimbursement Form

ACA 1095C Information

The IRS has provided flexibility to employers disclosing the 1095-C forms. The forms are no longer required to be mailed as they are not required for tax filing purposes.

Should you need a copy of your 1095-C form, they are available upon request. All requests can be emailed to [email protected] or mailed to 60 Lincoln Center Plaza New York, NY 10023, Attention: Human Resources. If you have any questions, please contact Human Resources at 212-799-5000.

Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)

An employee who elects the High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) for their medical coverage may be able to establish a Health Savings Account (HSA), provided they don’t have any other coverage that will pay towards the deductible (e.g. secondary medical insurance, Medicare, flexible spending account). An HSA is a tax-advantaged bank account that an individual can use to help cover the costs of qualified medical, dental and vision expenses, regardless of whether or not the expenses are covered by the plan. Deposits made into the account are tax-free. Any interest earned and/or funds withdrawn from the account are not taxed as long as they are used to pay for qualified expenses. Funds may also be used to pay for qualified expenses for a legal tax dependent (e.g. a spouse or dependent child). For a listing of qualified expenses, please see the IRS publication.

Juilliard will make contributions to an employee's HSA if the account is established with Optum Bank. Optum Bank is owned by UHC and works directly with UHC to manage such accounts. If an employee has individual coverage, Juilliard will contribute $125.00 per quarter; if an employee is covering two or more people, Juilliard will contribute $250.00 per quarter. An employee does have the right as a consumer to establish an HSA elsewhere. However, if an employee elects to do so they will be ineligible for Juilliard’s contributions.

It is the employee’s responsibility to manage their HSA, and they should keep receipts and bills for any transactions that they have with their account. This allows them to prove to the IRS that HSA funds were used for qualified expenses. (HSA funds used for nonqualified expenses are subject to ordinary income taxes and a penalty.) 

Preventive Care

Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), medical plans, including Juilliard’s, must cover preventive care at 100 percent when obtained in-network. That is, services or procedures designated as preventive care must be covered at 100 percent by the insurer; these services are not subject to a co-pay, deductible, or co-insurance. A member should contact UHC for assistance in determining what services are covered as preventive care under the plan. 

Medicare and Juilliard's Medical Plan

Please review this document about Medicare eligibility and coverage and how it relates to Juilliard’s medical plan. 

Medicare eligibility and coverage

Supplemental Health Plan

The Supplemental Health Plan through UHC offers additional, automatic coverage for employees who enroll in either of the two main UHC health plans offered at Juilliard.
Coverage from the Supplemental Health Plan includes:

  • The Hospital Indemnity Plan
  • The Accident Plan
  • The Group Specified Disease Plan

To see the complete outline of coverage from the Supplemental Health Plan, please click the links below. Additionally, if you have questions and would like assistance, please contact UHC: (866)801-4409.

Dental Insurance Information

Administrative staff who work 20 hours per week, and College Division and Preparatory Division faculty members who teach 10 or more hours per week, are eligible to participate in a dental plan through United Healthcare. Each eligible employee may select from two dental plans: a Dental Maintenance Organization (DMO) and a Dental Passive Preferred Provider Organization (Passive PPO). Enrollment in the DMO requires that dental services be provided by a primary care dentist selected from the network of participating DMO dentists; there is no out-of-network coverage. Under the PPO plan, participants may choose at the time of service either a PPO participating dentist or any non-participating dentist. Nonparticipating benefits are subject to usual and prevailing charge limits as determined by UHC.

If an employee elects this coverage and is a full-time employee, the employee and the school each contribute 50 percent of the monthly premium for individual coverage. If a faculty member elects this coverage and teaches 10 or more hours per week, the employee and the school each contribute 50 percent of the monthly premium for individual coverage. Employees who choose to cover their dependents pay the cost of the family portion in full. Part-time employees who work at least 20 hours per week, and faculty members who teach between five and nine hours per week, can enroll in the plan but must pay the entire cost of this coverage in full for both the employee and their dependents.

Vision Insurance Information

Full-time permanent administrative staff, and College and Preparatory Division faculty members who teach 10 or more hours per week, are eligible to enroll in a voluntary vision plan through VSP. The plan provides coverage for well-vision exams, prescription glasses and contact lenses. Coverage is available for both VSP doctors and providers and for out-of-network providers of the employee's choice.


Under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1986 (COBRA), employees and their covered dependents have the opportunity for a temporary extension of health, dental, and vision coverage at group rates in instances where coverage under the plan would otherwise end. The employee or dependent is responsible for the entire premium for COBRA coverage.

Eligible Reasons to Elect COBRA

Employees have a right to choose COBRA benefits when coverage is lost due to:

  •  a reduction in work hours, or
  •  termination of employment, including retirement.

When you terminate employment, your coverage automatically continues until the end of the calendar month in which your employment terminates. If your employment ends on the last day of the month, coverage will end on that day.

Coverage is extended only to those individuals covered at the time of termination.

Covered dependents also have a right, independent of the employee’s right, to elect COBRA coverage. The covered dependent may elect COBRA even if the employee does not. A spouse or dependent child covered under an employee's Juilliard health and/or dental plan has the right to elect COBRA continuation coverage if they lose coverage due to:

  • the employee's death; the employee's termination or reduction in work hours at Juilliard; divorce or legal separation from the employee; or 
  • if a covered individual ceases to meet the definition of a dependent. 

Length of Coverage

18 months when coverage is lost due to termination or reduction in hours; New York State law allows an extension of continuation coverage (medical only) once the Federal continuation period has been exhausted, up to an additional 18 months. If enrolled in Federal continuation coverage, you will be contacted before your Federal COBRA expires and will be provided with information on additional continuation coverage under New York State law.

  •  29 months when coverage is lost and individual becomes disabled within 60 days of termination.
  •  36 months when coverage is lost due to death, divorce, legal separation, or loss of dependent child status.

Upon termination of employment, or a reduction in hours which makes the employee ineligible for Juilliard supported coverage, the employee, and any covered dependents, will receive COBRA enrollment information from Discovery Benefits, the administrator of Juilliard’s COBRA benefits. The employee or family member must inform the Office of Human Resources of a divorce, legal separation, or loss of child’s dependent status within 30 days of the event in order to ensure continuation of coverage. 

Ask Your Advocate Team

Put your team to work to maximize your healthcare benefits.
Gallagher, Juilliard’s insurance broker, is ready to help you get the most from your benefit program by providing support from an advocate at no cost to you. Get assistance with: 

1. Insurance Card
Are you missing your insurance cards, need replacement cards or need to get in touch with an insurance carrier?

2. Benefits Questions
Do you need help with specific benefits questions relating to how plans work, coverage questions or in-network benefits? 

3. Eligibility Rules
Who can be covered under the plan and when?

4. Provider search
Do you need help finding an in-network or specialty provider?

5. Prescription/pharmacy issues
Is the pharmacy telling you that your medication is not covered or charging you full price? Or you need help getting a pre-authorization on you medication?

6. Claims
Are you unsure if you insurance will pay for a certain procedure? Did you receive a bill form a doctor and don’t know why?

Connect with Your Advocate Team
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (833) 253-3966
Hours of operation: Monday–Friday
8am–6pm, local time zone

Employee Assistance Program

Juilliard offers two Employee Assistance Program (EAP): through SupportLinc and Health Advocate. Both vendors provide confidential support, guidance and resources to assist faculty and staff and immediate family members in the prevention, early intervention and resolution of problems that may impact someone personally or professionally. Supportlinc has an extensive web portal that provides access to trainings, financial tools, career resources and exclusive discounts. You can also speak with a live counselor via the mobile app EConnect or use Textcoach to contact a licensed counselor. Animo can help you enhance your overall health and mental wellbeing through self-guided resources. In addition, complete a short survey through Navigator and you will receive personalized guidance on emotional fitness.

All calls and counseling services are confidential unless you specifically grant permission to share your information or the concern that is presented comes with a legal obligation that requires disclosure of your information. To contact Supportlinc services 24 hours a day, seven days a week, call the toll-free number (888) 881-LINC (5462), text “support” to 51230, or visit the website and enter the username “juilliard.”

Health Advocate has a team of professionals who can confidentially consult with you over the telephone and help you find solutions and resources for personal and work/life issues. The program also includes a limited number of face-to-face assessment and counseling sessions. An advocate may then provide you with consultation, resources, an action plan and information to help you address your issue. All services are offered at no cost to the employee. However, if a referral to an outside vendor is accepted, the employee may be responsible for the costs of those services.

All calls and counseling services are completely confidential. Telephone and online access to the EAP services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Simply call the toll-free number, (888) 293-6948, or go to the website.

Please note that this service is for staff and faculty only. Concerns about students should be addressed to the Assessment and Care Team at (212) 799-5000, ext. 7300 



Short-Term Disability

Beginning July 1, 2018, full-time administrative employees will be covered under a new short-term disability plan. Employees will become covered on the plan the first day of the calendar month coinciding with or next following six consecutive months of eligible employment. The plan provides wage replacement at the rate of 60 percent of the first $8,333.00 of weekly predisability earnings (as of the date of disability), reduced by any deductible income (e.g. work earnings, workers’ compensation, state disability, etc.). The minimum weekly benefit is $15.00 and the maximum weekly benefit is $5,000.00. There is a seven-day waiting period before benefits become payable 

Employees who are out on disability are required to first use all of their available sick time. Once sick time has been exhausted, an employee has one of two options for wage replacement (during their period of disability): 

  1. apply for short-term disability benefits; or
  2. use any available vacation, personal and/or compensatory time to continue receiving 100 percent of pay. (Please note that an employee cannot collect short-term disability benefits in addition to receiving 100 percent of their pay.)

Once the period of disability ends, benefit payments end.

Application for Short-Term Disability Benefits

Long-Term Disability

On the first day of the month coincident with or following one year of employment, regular full- time employees and College Division faculty members who teach 10 or more hours per week are covered by a Juilliard-paid long-term disability policy through Standard Insurance. Long- term disability pays you a benefit if you are unable to work because of a disabling injury or illness after 26 weeks. Benefits continue until you recover and return to work, or until you reach the plan's age limit. 

Group Life Insurance and AD&D

Regular full-time employees, and College and Preparatory Division faculty members who teach 10 or more hours per week, are eligible for Juilliard-paid group term life insurance through Standard Insurance. Coverage takes effect on the first day of the month following three months of employment. The amount of coverage is equal to the employee’s annual salary, rounded up to the nearest thousand with a maximum benefit of $300,000.

Eligible employees also have the option of purchasing additional life and ad&d coverage to supplement their basic benefit. If elected, employees may also be able to purchase coverage for a spouse and/or dependent child(ren), and are responsible for paying the premiums of the additional coverage on a post-tax basis via payroll deductions. 

Workers' Compensation

All Juilliard  employees are covered by the New York State Workers’ Compensation Law. Workers’ Compensation is insurance that will provide you with cash and/or medical care if you have been injured or become ill as a direct result of your job. Claims for Workers’ Compensation may be filed in situations where you just want to report that an incident occurred as well as for those incidents that require a medical leave of absence. To fill out an incident form, please click here.  It is essential that every injury or accident be reported at once and that an online Incident Report is completed and submitted to the facilities office.

Please report even those injuries not requiring immediate medical care. If medical care is required, physician and/or hospital bills should be sent by the provider to: 

PMA Customer Service Center
P.O. Box 5231
Janesville, WI 53547-5231


Retirement Plans

Retirement Annuity Plan

Eligible employees who work more than 1,000 hours per year, and College Division faculty members who teach a minimum of 300 hours per school year, are eligible to participate in a pension plan through TIAA. Participation begins on the first of the month following the completion of a 24-month period, which constitutes two years of service at Juilliard without a break in service, and the attainment of age 21. Service with a prior eligible employer may be used toward meeting the two years of service requirement for plan participation. Juilliard contributes an amount equal to 10 percent of regular salary up to IRS limits, which are updated annually. 

Please see the Benefits Manager or Juilliard's dedicated website at TIAA-CREF for more detailed information.


Tax-Deferred Annuity Plan

All employees are eligible to participate in a Supplemental Retirement Annuity through salary reduction. The gross salary is reduced by the selected amount, tax-deferred, and that amount is contributed to the employee’s TIAA GSRA account. This amount cannot exceed the IRS limits, which are updated annually.

Please see the Benefits Manager or Juilliard's dedicated website at TIAA-CREF for more detailed information.

Flexible Spending Accounts

Flexible Spending Account

A Flexible Spending Account lets an employee set aside a specific amount of their salary on a pre-tax basis to reimburse themselves for a variety of eligible Health Care and Dependent Care expenses as they arise. The employee determines how much to contribute each calendar year during open enrollment. The total amount is deducted equally from each paycheck before federal, social security and, in most areas, state and local taxes are calculated. As the employee incurs eligible expenses, they request payments from their account. It is important that an employee not set aside more money in their FSA account than they will use during the plan year. If there is any money left in the account after all expenses have been reimbursed, this amount will be forfeited. IRS regulations do not permit Juilliard to return the money to the employee. This plan is administered by P&A.

Claim Form (Medical and Dependent Care expenses only)

Parking Flexible Spending Account

Juilliard also offers a Parking Flexible Spending Account, also administered by Discovery Benefits. This benefit allows an employee to set aside pretax dollars for reimbursement of work-related parking expenses. Eligible expenses include parking costs incurred at or near Juilliard, or a facility from which you commute to work such as Park-N-Ride lots.

If an employee decides to participate in this benefit, they will first need to calculate their average monthly parking expenses and decide how much they would like deducted per month to be put into the account. Deductions will be divided evenly and deducted from each paycheck. Once the employee has enrolled in this plan, they can begin submitting reimbursement claims for their parking expenses. Unlike the Health and Dependent Care FSAs, any unused contributions the employee makes to the plan will be carried over to their account from month to month and year to year while employed.

P&A requires Parking FSA claims to be submitted electronically. 

Transit Benefits

The program allows employees to pay for their commuter transit benefits on a pretax basis. HealthEquity/WageWorks, the vendor, has a robust commuter benefit platform that fits many types of needs. The monthly benefit amount the employee elects will be deducted from their paycheck. 

Additional information, help, or troubleshooting assistance is obtained by contacting HealthEquity/WageWorks directly at (877) 924-3967. There is also a Live Chat option available on their website.

Business Travel/Medical Program Insurance

Juilliard has arranged for a program providing benefits and services for employees traveling on Juilliard business. The plan supplements our other insurance benefits and is specifically designed to cover employees who become ill while traveling on business.

The insurance program is provided by ACE American Insurance Company and the services are provided by Europ Assistance. Below you will find a brochure and ID card outlining the benefits provided under this program, as well as a list of FAQs. If you travel on Juilliard business, please read the information carefully and keep a copy of it with you. In the event of a medical emergency while traveling on Juilliard business, Europ Assistance should be notified immediately. These services are available 24/7 with multilingual support.

ACE American Insurance Company along with Europ Assistance provides you with several important benefits and services including but not limited to: 

  • Pretrip Information
  • Online access to global Information
  • Insured Benefits for emergency medical expenses while traveling on business outside of your home country, which include:
  • Up to $250,000 for Medical Expenses  
  • There is no deductible
  • 100 percent of the cost for a medical evacuation
  • Up to $100,000 for the cost of evacuations due to political issues or natural disasters 

If you become ill while traveling on Juilliard business, this policy is your primary coverage. If you also have medical insurance coverage, either through Juilliard or another source, that coverage will be secondary in the event this policy does not cover your expenses in full. It is important to note that this plan is not intended to cover any routine expenses (physicals, well care, elective surgery, etc.) while you are in your home country. Please note that if you are injured while performing duties for Juilliard, whether in the United States or in another country, Workers’ Compensation through PMA will be the insurer for the injury. Human resources should be contacted as soon as possible if you sustain a work-related injury. 


Employees who are experiencing discomfort that they think might be attributable to the set-up of their workstation should contact the director of human resources for assistance, ext. 7354, Room 230. 

Faculty Lounge

The Faculty Lounge is located on the fifth floor in Room 558. The lounge houses PCs, telephones, a microwave, small tables for eating, and comfortable seating. There is a filtered water cooler with hot water for tea, and there is always hot coffee and fresh milk available.

As stated above, the faculty assistant is also located in the lounge. The faculty assistant is available to respond to faculty needs whenever possible. Accompanist timesheets are also handled by the faculty assistant. The faculty assistant is also available to assist faculty members in using Juilliard email.

Tuition Remission

All full-time permanent employees are welcome to audit noncredit Extension courses free of charge, if the course they choose is not full. Full-time employees who have been at Juilliard for at least six months can enroll in Extension courses for credit, free of charge, also subject to space availability. For further information, contact the Extension Division, at ext. 273.

Children of full-time staff, and College and Preparatory division faculty members who teach 10 or more hours per week, who have been at Juilliard more than one year receive full tuition remission in the College, Extension, MAP, and Pre-College. All required fees must be paid.


Juilliard Performances

Tickets to Juilliard performances are available to Juilliard College  students, faculty, and staff free of charge, depending on availability. Tickets become available to the Juilliard community on the first day of sale to the general public. Before you can reserve tickets online, you must submit the form online to request an account in Juilliard’s Patron Portal (takes up to two business days to create the account). Once you receive your email confirmation with your Juilliard Patron Portal login instructions and set up your account, you may reserve tickets directly at landaiztc.com using the Get Member Tickets button on event listings. 

Please note that community comp tickets for Alice Tully, David Geffen, and Carnegie halls are not available online, and may be obtained in person only at the Juilliard box office. Limit two per person. Additional tickets may be purchased at a 50 percent discount at the respective box offices.

The Juilliard Store

The Juilliard Store
15 percent OFF with Juilliard ID
144 W 66th Street, between Broadway and Amsterdam Avenue | (212) 799-5000, ext. 237

Lincoln Center

Juilliard faculty, staff and students enjoy a 10 percent discount off any purchase in the Met Opera Shop. To make use of the discount, one must present their Juilliard ID and provide the shop with their name, address and email. Upon providing this information to the shop, Juilliard employees and students are encouraged to sign up for email notifications of special events and private sales.

All employees of Lincoln Center constituents are eligible to receive 50 percent off day-of tickets to performances on the campus (subject to availability and blackout dates), with the exception of the NY Philharmonic. To make use of this discount, please go to the box office of the presenting organization on the day of the performance, no later than one hour prior to curtain. Once there, present your laminated, official staff ID with photo. You may then purchase up to two tickets for that day’s performance with a 50 percent discount.


Old John’s Luncheonette
10 percent OFF, cash only
148 W 67th Street, between Amsterdam Avenue and Broadway | (212) 874-2700

Amy's Bread Café at The New York Public Library
10 percent OFF with Juillard ID
40 Lincoln Center Plaza

Signature Theater Café and Bar
25 percent OFF lunch combos, 25 percent OFF non-alcoholic drinks, and 10 percent OFF food and alcohol with Juilliard ID
480 W 42nd Street, at 10th Avenue

Breads Bakery
10 percent discount with Juilliard ID
1890 Broadway, between W 62nd and W 63rd Street | (212) 633-2253

Falafel Planet: at the Columbus Circle Turnstyle Market
The Juilliard community is elegible for a 20 percent discount off of the menu, with Juilliard ID


AMC Lowes Lincoln Square Theater/IMAX
$10 tickets through Office of Student Affairs (OSA) with Juilliard ID
1998 Broadway, at W 67th Street | (212) 336-5020

Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) and MoMA PS1
Free admission with Juilliard ID
11 W 53rd Street, between 5th Avenue and 6th Avenue | (212) 708-9400

New York City Ballet
$30 day-of tickets for anyone 30 years of age and under. Restrictions apply, see website for details.
20 Lincoln Center Plaza | (212) 870-5570

Lincoln Center Performances on Campus
50 percent OFF “day-of” tickets subject to availability and blackout dates
To make use of this discount, please go to the box office of the presenting organization on the day of the performance no later than one hour prior to curtain. Once there, present your Juilliard ID with photo. You may then purchase up to two tickets for that day’s performance with a 50% discount.

*Please note, $25 rush tickets for the Metropolitan Opera are now offered daily online on the Met website. The tickets, in prime seating locations, are available on a first-come, first-served basis for most performances. Rush tickets are no longer available at the Box Office or over the phone.**

TheaterMania Gold Club
$59 annual membership (regularly $99)


Harmony Cleaners West Side
10 percent OFF
61 W 62nd Street, at Columbus Avenue | (212) 586-1854

Met Opera Shop
10 percent OFF any purchase
To make use of the discount, please present your Juilliard ID and provide the shop with your name, address, and email. Upon providing this information to the shop, Juilliard employees are encouraged to also sign up for email notifications of special events and private sales.

Health and Fitness

Dodge Fitness Center at Columbia University

A Juilliard current ID card is required to register. Basic membership includes a temporary locker and a towel service.

Memberships can be purchased at the Membership Office during office hours, which are as follows:

Monday 9am–7:30pm
Tuesday 9am–4:30pm
Wednesday 9am–4:30pm
Thursday 9am–7:30pm
Friday 9am–4:30pm

Information on DFC facilities, including schedules, programs, prices, family memberships, facilities, and policies is available on their website or by calling 212-854-2546 or 212-854-2547.


The mailroom, located on street level by the 66th Street entrance, is responsible for all incoming, outgoing, and inter-office mail for faculty, students, and staff. The mailroom is open 9am to 4pm, Monday to Friday. Mail deliveries and pickups are made twice daily to all administrative offices at 10:30am and 3:30pm. Incoming letters and packages are received daily from the USPS, FedEx, UPS, and other services. Student mail is delivered daily to the student mailboxes located inside the street level entrance. Faculty mail is delivered daily to the faculty mailboxes on the fifth floor at the Faculty Lounge. Faculty packages too large for the mailbox are held in the mailroom and a slip is placed in the faculty mailbox. Packages may be picked up from 9am to 4pm, Monday to Friday. Outgoing shipments can be made by any employee via USPS, FedEx, and UPS. Outgoing mail can be brought to the mailroom until 4:00 pm for delivery to the Post Office that day. Only authorized mailroom employees are permitted to enter the designated mailroom work area, and to handle the mail.

Supply Room

The Supply Room is located within the mailroom located on street level by the 66th Street entrance. Mailroom hours are available from 9am to 4pm. We have select common items in the supply room and other less common items are available for ordering. If you have a large order or would like to request specialty supplies, please email [email protected] for assistance. Supplies are for staff and office use only.


Facilities leadership is the only authorized agent to distribute keys to rooms in the Juilliard building. Faculty members, employees, and students who are authorized to hold keys, should never give or lend their keys to anyone else. Nonaffiliated individuals—even if they have borrowed a key from an authorized student, or a colleague – will not be allowed to enter the building unless their host has preauthorized their entry.

Any student found with an unauthorized key is subject to disciplinary action or dismissal.

Keys will not be distributed for any doors that have electronic locks. 

For Extension

The Extension Office will provide the appropriate keys to faculty members as needed. Faculty members are required to return those keys to the Extension office at the end of the semester or academic year. Faculty members and employees should never give or lend their keys to anyone else. Keys will not be distributed for any doors that have electronic locks.

Nonaffiliated individuals will not be allowed to enter the building unless their host has registered and preauthorized their entry in Proxyclick.